Work hard, play hard

I haven't heard the 'work hard, play hard' motto for a while. I remember hearing it all the time back in the early 2010s. The 'work hard play hard' mentality seems to be a relics of the hustle culture. I've no idea where it came from initially but our kids started to watch the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV show from 1987 and while I was re-discovering the intro -and esp. Michelangelo's line- I wondered: was it a first inception of the 'work hard, play hard' lifestyle? Or in their case: 'save the world, play hard'.

Update to: launching your startup while having very young kids

6 months ago I wrote about launching your startup while having very young kids. And I concluded that kids make you a 10x better entrepreneur.

Right there might lie the secret about launching your startup later in life: very young kids act as a forcing function to focus.

I recently came across a post from Nikunj on twitter that got me completely off track. It is so beautifully written -about unconditional love- and I wholeheartedly agree so I wanted to update my own post with this ressource.

The conclusion is so perfect:

I'm more ambitious now, not less. Kids don't limit your dreams—they force them to grow. They push you to scale professionally because they deserve your best, and personally because they're watching everything you do.

Most people think having kids means choosing between ambition and family. But the biggest paradox? Nothing fuels ambition quite like unconditional love.

Nikunj's blog is here. It's an easy subscribe for me.

Facebook-Meta: the company that connected the world

No-one can underestimate the global -and most probably long-lasting- impact of Facebook. 4 billion -with a b- monthly active users across Meta's family of apps -which includes Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram. It's hard for the brain to grasp such numbers. The global population is around 8b. 3 billion -still with a b- daily active users! Can we imagine? It literally means 3 billion people log in and actively use at least one of these apps daily 🤯

Never in the entire history of humanity something -an institution, a company, a government- reached such penetration on a global scale. Now imagine, the company is only 20 years old.

Launching your startup while having very young kids

Yesterday I saw a post popped up in the Acquired slack's #parents channel. Marc basically asked: "has anyone started a vc-backed company while having very young kids or planning to? [...] how did timing it with a young family impact it [your company] longer term?".

This was my answer:

one thing i didn’t expect when starting something new while becoming a parent [and i can speak on behalf of my wife too who’s launched something new too while pregnant]: having young kids at home makes you so much more efficient. and i’m talking like 1,000x more efficient. period. both in terms of: (a) prioritizing what to work on [answering the simple question: what would seriously move the needle?] and (b) decreasing time between starting to work and being 100% focus/ deep in flow mode (procrastination just completely disappeared)

Mindset differences between Europe and the US

I've been thinking a lot lately about the differences between Europe and the US. I'm a European first -I grew up in France- but I've always felt strongly attracted by the US. It's been a love at first sight since my very first visit in Boston when I was 16 y/o. Since then I've been countless times and I got lucky enough to live in LA, California and a few years later in Boulder, Colorado. We now have a routine with Mathilde and the kids, we go back to the US altogether every year, home-swapping for the whole summer.

As an entrepreneur, I've experienced firsthand the biggest differences in terms of mindset between both places. But it is only now that I spend more time over there as a parent that I realise how impactful -for life- are all these differences. Many of them can be trace back to some of my observations following my last 2 weeks over there.

Golden Gate bridge by Joshua Sortino

Your decision-making skill, focus and working hard

I decided to launch my first startup I was still a young 20-ish student. Back in 2011 in France, there weren't much to rely on. Which - in retrospect - was most probably the beauty of it all. And I've to say this kind of wild-west created very strong and authentic bonds between many 'players'. Typically in my case, we rented out one little room in the basement of the first office of a fresh brand named Jimmy Fairly [still around and thriving -- think of it as the french version of Warby Parker] and that's also where I met Stan; now Dust co-founder.

The incredibe story of Airbnb, and the cockroaches

I've been on Airbnb for more than a decade now. I just checked out, my profile is 11 years old, and I received my first review from a host in June 2013. I remember that stay vividly. Back then I was living in Singapore, and this was my first trip to Jakarta, Indonesia. As far as I remember, I've always been a fan of Airbnb. As a guest obviously; but later on as a host as well; and in between as a fellow entrepreneur.