Analog activities and their impact on happiness

When do I feel the happiest? I'm actually not sure 'happy' is the right word here. Maybe it's closer to 'feeling at peace', 'feeling complete', 'whole', a deep sense of 'calm and serenity'. I still choose 'happy' because there is a layer of joy, adrenaline sometimes, a genuine feeling of fulfillment.

Going back to the question itself, well, the straight-forward and instinctive answer is: playing with my kids, alone time with Mathilde, deep discussions with people -sometimes animated but not necessarily, building stuff -which might imply deep and animated talks with my co-founders, exploring outside, skateboarding, boxing, distraction-free reading -good coffee not optional. I could go on for hours. Typical example being: I hate running -the activity itself- but I would 100% put 'running with Mathilde' up there in the list of moments where I feel the happiest. I don't golf but again, I would 100% put all the mornings I spent with my grand-father 20 years ago on a golf court up there in the list. I'm not a foodie but again, well, you get the point.

Photography by Alisha Jucevic | For The Times

From a point A to a point B - LA style

This weekend I went to Downtown LA and walked a lot (we even enjoyed a free tour; I recommend it's pretty cool, really architecture and history oriented).

Look at this pic for a minute. What do you see?

Yep I agree, first thing to notice is this great piece of street art from How and Nosm. I even must admit that it's really representative of the atmosphere of that neighborhood, at least part of it. And that's also why I love it.

But there is something else, super important too, to look at in this pic. Nobody is in the street! I mean no pedestrian. Yes I know it could only be a random fact in that context but actually I can ensure you that it's the case most of the time. We really walked all afternoon long, and a Saturday one, and we were surprised to be alone on the sidewalk 90% of the time.

On the contrary, some part of the streets were crowded. Then I've had this thought, this feeling (that my american friends confirmed): here people go to a specific point mostly by car. Let's call it The point A. They park the car and enjoy their time around. Then if they wanna go to The point B, they go back to the car, drive there, and park it again, and so on so forth. The funny thing is that sometimes, the point B is only few miles away or even less from the point A. And in this case, as an european person, you instantaneously think 'let's reach it by walking' but no, not here.

The side effect is that if you're walking around downtown you're gonna go through 'desert' spots. Cool ones tho, w/ a really special atmosphere in the air, but still, no one is around. That's a shame to me cause at the same time, this city, these streets, have so much to offer...