Logging nov. 22nd, 2023


Someone shared in a family whatsapp group a graph on the college tuition fees evolution for the top 5 french business schools; commenting "fortunately you've already graduated". Apparently, these fees have been multiplied by 1.7 since 2011.

Which made me think of that graph specifically then:

I remember reading a few 'explanations' [at least, some attempts let's say]. And one thing struck me back then: everyone can look at this graph and 'see' what they want.

  • one one hand: see why we'd need more regulations; otherwise prices on 'essentials' [education, healthcare, child care] are skyrocketing because of these greedy XYZ
  • on the other hand: see why we'd need no regulation at all; when we trust 'the market' and let it operate freely, prices are inherently going down


I stumbled upon a new report I'm dying to dig deeper into: Alternative Prosperity: Reframing The 'Good Life'. I've been hit by the way Thomas introduced it on his own newsletter -- using a citation by Dan Millman:

The secret to change is to focus all your energy
not on fighting the old,
but on building the new.

I'm indeed always surprised by how much people start funneling their energy and bandwidth on being 'against something' instead of being 'for something else' -- thus spending their time complaining first and being angry instead of building, collaborating, attracting.

Which reminds me a few moments from the movie Simone - about Simone Veil - where Simone herself, when replying to the question 'so you're a feminist?' starts hesitating and replies "well, by the circumstances, maybe". And indeed, during all her life, she fought for something by 'building the new'.


My birthday was last Sunday, the 19th. Since we were in Vichy with a bunch a friends, we haven't celebrated it. Which was 100% fine to me. I don't need - nor want - anything special for my birthday and we visited these friends to celebrate their second kid so I really didn't want to turn the attention on me instead.

I really didn't expect anything but when I came back home, the whole flat was in the dark, except a bunch of candles on the dinner table, the kids were hiding under it, and it smelt my favorite homemade pizza. When I entered completely, the kids started singing 'happy birthday' and were so proud to offer two gifts on which they drew something. We celebrated just the four of us. And, by far, Mat organized the best surprise possible.

I love magazines remember. That one below was one of my gift. I can't be happier.