Week2, 2024 assorted links

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Welcoming a bunch of my oldest friends home for Christmas, and talking with them about all their family dynamics, I realised some impacts of the current trend: less kids in total; that you start having later in life.

A study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explored how the size and structure of families will change by the end of the century.

And yes, it’ll mostly mean: “smaller family networks, more great-grandparents, and fewer cousins.”

🏛 Archiving always seemed powerful to me. I’m not sure why and where it comes from. Knowledge is power. And there is a kind of long-lasting knowledge in the act of archiving. We wrote why archiving was important to us on this call to adventure for our skateboarding collective OpenSB.

So when Daisy wrote on grief and collective archiving, many things resonated.

🏃 Since we’re still quite early in 2024, don’t wait, start practicing a sport right now, anything. That graph from Peter Attia’s book Outlive is still in my mind.

if you want to be able to briskly climb stairs when you are 75, you need to be in the top 95th percentile of cardiovascular fitness.

🎮 Visa is asking an important question: "Are you having fun, son?". Meanwhile, is there such a thing as having too much fun? or fun for too long?

🍟 Somehow related to the one above, I personally fight that idea of ‘frictionless’ all the time, everywhere, at all cost, for many years. It always looked straight forward to me that the most impactful things in life came with a lot of friction. There could be no satisfaction in frictionless. So I enjoyed that title: A frictionless world is boring as f*ck.

🤷‍♂️ The latest from Joshua Voydik made me laugh. This is something we discussed in a previous post about truth seeking.

I don’t feel frightened by not knowing things.