Assorted links from week35, 2024

🎨 We let disposable stuff put us -humans- in a state of disconnection and lack of meaning. Objects are evidence of human existence. This is why Ben’s piece Marks of Making resonated so much:

Objects that expose their “marks of making”, or artifacts of how they were constructed, are a reminder that everything is made. Nothing simply appears. In a time when most people are wholly detached from making anything they consume, it’s easy to lose sight of that fact. I’m not necessarily lamenting this disconnect, but I appreciate any design which reminds us (whether intentionally or not) that it was made.

🌐 On the need to design radical alternative futures, Reggie delivered a great piece: SAVE THE INTERNET.

The internet today is flat earth. Uniform, high visibility, no way out… The internet of tomorrow needs to feel like SF. Dense and natural, with massively altering topologies shaping the micro-climates and communities.

🧬 We’re a bunch of weirdos. I love how Adam used this to reassure us all: There's a place for everyone.

Our abundance of weirdos creates diversity not only in supply, but also in demand. All those odd people want odd things, creating odd jobs for other odd people to fill.

🌍 Brian used the term ‘place’ for something more geography-related. But as someone who lived on 4 continents the past 15 years and is -once again- in the process of relocating, I can’t agree more with the title: How important is place.

But I knew something was off. I constantly wanted to escape my reality. I wanted to find a new home. A place more aligned with my values and lifestyle. A place that attracts interesting people I could make friends with.

😊 Quick read by Franco on the most important topic of all: 3 Lessons on Happiness.

🗺 I’ve always loved maps -which is why the skateboarder in me created that one- and seeing the medium used to document something like Beirut’s crafts was truly interesting.