Assorted links from week29, 2024

👕 Shameless plug to start: I was stoked to meet and chat with Sophie about the possibility (or not) to regulate our emotional attachment to fashion. [if you can't read the article, let me know and I can send it to you]

If we don’t pay enough attention to what we want and why we want it, we just tend to crave for what’s next.

bloom (2024), Art/Prompt by Valentina Calore, AI-generated image

🧠 And as an ode to what we’re building with Objet, I can't agree enough with Ava when she reminds us all that “things hold memories”. This is my own modus operandi too:

Now, when I shop, I try to look for things that will hold lots of memories. Not just from a cost-per-wear perspective, but because of the absolute satisfaction of watching a bag or a piece of clothing become not just something you wear or use but part of your identity, a part of your life. I got kissed in this dress. Okay. I got kissed in this dress about 400 times. Well, now we’re talking. Just like each couple has their own unique lore (we met online, and then chatted for 365 days straight before meeting…) the objects we love most develop their own mythology.

💬 That beautiful -and poetic- post by Valentina resonated a lot with me: tasting loneliness in transition. Of course I share with her some ‘transcontinental moves’ and their impact on us.

three transcontinental moves, six thousand miles: honoring feelings during life transitions

⛪️ Sure, this one is quite long but (a) Kyle did an amazing job to make it easy to read (b) the topic is too important anyway -we’re talking about cults after all- and (c) there are way too many nuggets of wisdom in there. Cultivating Cults.

First, we need more cults in this world. Second, each one of us represents a cult of our own personality that we have to manage. And third, we all have to be careful what we worship.