Assorted links from week28, 2024

🚶‍♀️I can’t agree enough with Patricia's title ‘solved by walking’. I’ve personally always loved walking. I’m currently in Berkeley, CA and I’m very surprised by the low amount of people walking -especially in the hills. Below are Russel's words:

In addition to physical exercise and my family fondness, walking remains important to me as an emblem of the sacredness of life. Humans think. Human feel. Humans move.

We encounter others in our walks. The world – nature, cities, streams, forests – unfolds underfoot. Walking remains a primary way we go beyond ourselves.

Photo by Karthik | Louisville, USA

🛋 Reading Sarah about her recent move and the impact on their objects resonated so much with our own story with Mathilde during the past 15 years: the allure of less. Mathilde wrote about our own journey here. This is utterly true:

Getting rid of everything was necessary. I had to create space. When I arrived at the Barcelona airport with my suitcase (and recently acquired carry-on), I was struck by the overwhelming sense of freedom. I could go anywhere and be anyone.

📖 I finally read The Almanack of Naval Ravikant and I’ve to say there are huge pieces of wisdom inside. The book is free and the way it’s structured makes it very easy to navigate and pick up what you’re interested in. Highly recommend.