Assorted links from week15, 2024

Many great interviews last week 👇

🪴 between Brian -from Frontier- and David and Sarah from Terremoto, the Los Angeles– and San Francisco–based landscape design firm. “A garden or landscape is a process, not a product.

Platform Park, Los Angeles. Image courtesy Terremoto.

💻 between Daisy -from Dirt- and Daylight Computer Co.'s Anjan Katta about ‘Calm technology’.

How do we bring evolutionary harmony? […] Evolutionary mismatch is redefining the way a human is built and that a lot of these vulnerabilities and unhealthy behaviors and the path of least resistance not often being aligned with our intention, is not necessarily a bug, it’s a feature.

In my world, I’ve seen the retreat to tangible things more in categories like print books, print magazines, and stuff like perfume, things that can’t be replicated digitally. 
I think people just want things that they can hold and touch, honestly, and that’s a natural impulse, but I don’t know, I think hardware is just a reflection of our relationship to objects generally, I don’t think it’s a special category.

🧥 between Daniel and Erik Brodt, physician and co-founder of Ginew, the first Native American-owned denim brand: Lessons on living a good life.

💰 between Carl and Morgan and Gretchen about money management inside a couple, then family. Both parts are interesting by the way. I might write more about it with our own example with Mathilde.

👧👦 I enjoyed -and laughed- reading Kevin last week. I was typically alone with both sons for a few days and his point #6 was exactly us at that time haha:

Choose your battles. He wants to wear a Spider-Man outfit every single day for a month? Go nuts. (Just remember to wash it.) Do you want to be the dad who told your son he couldn't? Or the be one he remembers as going out to buy a Vemon outfit so they could chase each other around New York City together?

🧮 I just finished reading ‘Mathematica’ from David Bessis. It took me a few days only as I was so much into it. This book is a MUST-READ. By everyone. Even more so parents. And of course, it made me want to try again maths. I pinged the author on Twitter who told me an english version is coming in a month: A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity.

🇯🇵 last but not least, I’ve always loved Japan. Even though I’ve never been there — which is weird I know. Saying that I look forward to spending much time over there would be an understatement. Meanwhile, I truly enjoyed Noemie's latest piece of inspiration from over there. And while Noemie writes in french, many of her inspiring links came from english publication so if you’re curious too, I’d strongly invite you to check them out: Inspirations japonaises.