Assorted links from week15, 2024

Many great interviews last week šŸ‘‡

šŸŖ“ between Brian -from Frontier- and David and Sarah fromĀ Terremoto, the Los Angelesā€“ and San Franciscoā€“based landscape design firm. ā€œA garden or landscape is a process, not a product.ā€

Platform Park, Los Angeles. Image courtesy Terremoto.

šŸ’» between Daisy -from Dirt- and Daylight Computer Co.'s Anjan Katta about ā€˜Calm technologyā€™.

How do we bring evolutionary harmony? [ā€¦] Evolutionary mismatch is redefining the way a human is built and that a lot of these vulnerabilities and unhealthy behaviors and the path of least resistance not often being aligned with our intention, is not necessarily a bug, itā€™s a feature.

In my world, Iā€™ve seen the retreat to tangible things more in categories like print books, print magazines, and stuff like perfume, things that canā€™t be replicated digitally.Ā 
I think people just want things that they can hold and touch, honestly, and thatā€™s a natural impulse, but I donā€™t know, I think hardware is just a reflection of our relationship to objects generally, I donā€™t think itā€™s a special category.

šŸ§„ between Daniel and Erik Brodt, physician and co-founder ofĀ Ginew, the first Native American-owned denim brand: Lessons on living a good life.

šŸ’° between Carl and Morgan and Gretchen about money management inside a couple, then family. Both parts are interesting by the way. I might write more about it with our own example with Mathilde.

šŸ‘§šŸ‘¦ I enjoyed -and laughed- reading Kevin last week. I was typically alone with both sons for a few days and his point #6 was exactly us at that time haha:

Choose your battles. He wants to wear a Spider-Man outfit every single day for a month? Go nuts. (Just remember to wash it.) Do you want to be the dad who told your son he couldn't? Or the be one he remembers as going out to buy a Vemon outfit so they could chase each other around New York City together?

šŸ§® I just finished reading ā€˜Mathematicaā€™ from David Bessis. It took me a few days only as I was so much into it. This book is a MUST-READ. By everyone. Even more so parents. And of course, it made me want to try again maths. I pinged the author on Twitter who told me an english version is coming in a month:Ā A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity.

šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ last but not least, Iā€™ve always loved Japan. Even though Iā€™ve never been there ā€” which is weird I know. Saying that I look forward to spending much time over there would be an understatement. Meanwhile, I truly enjoyed Noemie's latest piece of inspiration from over there. And while Noemie writes in french, many of her inspiring links came from english publication so if youā€™re curious too, Iā€™d strongly invite you to check them out: Inspirations japonaises.