Assorted links from week11 to 14, 2024

šŸ‘§šŸ‘¦ the title says it all andĀ Mariana is delivering an extremely important read. Itā€™s not for parents only. Why children need risk, fear, and excitement in play.

What kids are dying from today are mainly car crashes and suicides, not playing outside unsupervised with friends. Parents are worrying about the wrong causes of injuries and harm. In fact, the very strategies that parents use to try to keep their children safe ā€“ driving them around, maximizing supervision, and minimizing freedom ā€“ are unintentionally increasing the likelihood of injuries and even death.

The solutions are both simple and hard. We know what children need to thrive. The three key ingredients necessary for thriving play environments are Time, Space, and Freedom.

šŸ˜Š the ā€œNew Happyā€: rethinking happiness through science and philosophy. Happiness is not a five-star holiday. It's often the result of struggle ā€” and asking for help.

šŸ›£ I agree with Thomas when he writes ā€œI believe that we are living in a crisis of imaginationā€ in the Anatomy of narrative change.

šŸ› Tobyā€™s big idea:Ā moral ecosystems.

šŸ™ Simon's notes on building blocks: small spaces.

šŸ‡øšŸ‡Ŗ Henrik and Johanna help us progress and get unlocked: on limitations that hide in your blindspot.

šŸ¦ that title first made me laugh; then the whole topic is worth a deep dive ā€” well managed by Adam: Science will only end once we've licked all the objects in the universe.Ā 

šŸ’» I love to remind myself ā€˜the more powerful our tools, the more intentional our choicesā€™. Yes, I can use the knife to kill my neighbor or to eat. The thing is: I can play with it mindlessly since itā€™s quite hard to kill with it inadvertently. With the current state of many of our tools, weā€™re actually able to impact many lives negatively all at one. Which should force us to act more intentionally. I really enjoyed Arunā€™s 6 user context questions inĀ Why we crave healthier computing.

āœļø I appreciate Luke's writings for a while now but Iā€™ve to say I like it even more since he renamed (and kinda focus differently) his newsletter: Why I write.

šŸ¤– while reading Holyn last piece I was thinking ā€œiā€™d call this ā€˜the pendulum of history in actionā€™ and canā€™t wait for the ā€˜certified 100% human made and thoughtā€™ rationale.ā€. Modern muses: AI Bots.

šŸ‘©ā€šŸŒ¾ I wasnā€™t aware of the one man show behind Stardew Valley and ā€˜impressedā€™ would be a strong understatement.Ā How One Man (Eric Barone) Made the Indie Video Game SensationĀ on GQ.

4ļøāƒ£0ļøāƒ£ in the last issue I shared Markā€™s 40 lifeā€™s lesson and the incredible story of a women who learned to play piano (and mastered it) at the age 62. Well the whole intervew below is interesting. And the story of that lady is fully detailed at the very end. Itā€™s definitely worth a listen. And I do plan to share it with many (soon-to-become) retirees around me ā€” but not only. I do fall myself in the trap of ā€˜youth cultureā€™ many times; thinking along the lines of ā€˜I would love to do XYZ but yeah itā€™s kinda too late now blablaā€¦ā€™ this is bullshit. I never want to think this again. Period.